Remote energy healing sessions for the mind & body

The suffering of our minds and bodies is not who we are. It’s not our true nature - but nonetheless affects us in a very real way.

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In an Energy Healing session, I’m working to clear out blockages, stuck emotions, negative thoughts, belief systems, and negative energy (and more…) that are causing distress, suffering, disease or even issues with finances, relationships or career. We can work on anything in a session. Doesn’t matter if it’s physical, psychological, financial etc. After the blockages, stuck emotion, diseased energy, etc. are cleaned from the system, fresh energy is then put into the cells, chakras, organs, glands, etc. so rapid healing can occur.

In the world of Energy Healing, we observe that each and every one of us has an Energy Body. This is an egg-like shape of energy that encases your entire physical body. Think of it as a blueprint for your entire life. Before anything, and I mean ANYTHING manifests in our physical world - it first shows up in our Energy Body. It doesn’t matter if it’s winning the lottery, some sort of physical ailment, losing our job or getting pregnant. Anything that we experience in the physical world first shows up in the energetic.

Remote Energy Healing sessions for the Mind, Body, and Soul.

No matter where you are in the world, we can work together!

How can you benefit?

  • Reduction or complete healing of pain

  • Healing of psychological issues

  • Healing of physical ailments

  • Financial Healing

  • Improved sleep

  • More inner peace, happiness, and joy

  • Clearing away negative energy from people who could be draining you

  • A feeling of lightness

  • Releasing old belief systems, negative thoughts, stagnant energy and other blocks.

  • Relationship Healing

  • Reduction of pain or suffering during the dying process

  • Assistance for pregnant women. Helping with difficulties and rapid recoveries.

Pricing | $120.00 USD for 1 session, or $330.00 USD for a package of 3

Client Love & Referrals


Frequently Asked Questions


What modality do you work with?

From 2001 - 2017 I trained in Pranic Healing.

Using this modality, I’ve spent years developing the energy centres (chakras) on the palms of my hands and fingertips. These palm and finger chakras, allow me to feel different types of energy, the major, minor and mini chakras, energy of the organs, blood, all the physical systems and the aura itself. This is a technique called Scanning. It refers to the ability to scan different types of energy and sources of suffering. Did you know every emotion, thought, disease etc. has a particular type of energy? Love feels far different than violence, and cancer feels a lot different than diabetes.

My hands are my main healing tool. In addition to scanning, it’s through the use of my hands that I clean out blockages, diseased energy, negativity, etc., and then project healing energy.

What is a Chakra?

Chakras are acupuncture points. They draw in life force from our environment and simultaneously expel used up energy from the body. Each chakra has a physical, psychological and spiritual function. In an Energy Healing session I check to see if the chakras are balanced, blocked, depleted, too small, too big etc. Our goal is to help the chakras be balanced and flowing with life force so your mind, body and other areas of your life can benefit.

What Chakra system do you work with?

There are many different chakra systems in the world. All of them are correct. It just depends on the modality and the purpose of the modality. I work with 11 Major Chakras, plus countless minor and mini chakras.

But wait - how can Energy Healing occur over long-distance?

Ok remember earlier how I described your Energy Body? Well it gets even more interesting … there are energy bodies around many many different things, including the Earth. Because of this, you and I are connected. We live on Earth within the planet's Energy Body and therefore have a direct energetic link with each other.

What details do you need for the session?

For the Energy Healing session, I need to know a) the name of the person receiving healing b) the city that they’re in and c) what they would like to work on. Photos are always helpful, but not necessary.

Where does Life Force come from?

Originally it comes from the Sun. But you can also find it in the air, water, earth and trees. Different types of life force have different purposes. For example, life force that comes from the Earth is great at keeping our bones, muscles, legs and tissue healthy. Other types of prana or life force have other purposes.

Life force goes by many names. Nearly every culture has a word for it. You may have heard of prana, chi, ki, ruah to name a few. On this site and in my own vocab I tend to use life force or prana. Call it what you will, it’s all the same, and it’s what keeps us alive and healthy.