Remote House & Land Clearing

Clear out negative energy in your home, office, and property that may be causing unnecessary obstacles, misfortune, financial troubles or bad health.

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Over time, our Homes and Offices can become saturated with negative energy. This type of energy comes from our minds, our emotions, and sometimes our health. When we’ve been through long-standing stress, conflict, anger, depression, etc. negative energy can build up in our space. As we spend time under these heavier, negative energies they can colour our perception or distort our thoughts. Causing us to think and feel in ways we otherwise wouldn’t. Physically, it can cause us to feel excessively tired and sometimes contribute to health problems.

Sometimes this negative energy is present due to previous occupants. Especially if there has been divorce, bankruptcy, violence or a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Other time, negative energy coming up from the Earth can cause misfortune, unnecessary obstacles, financial difficulty and more. Whatever type of energy is in the Earth will radiate upwards and affect the people who live on or own that property. If the energy in the Earth is healthy, then the people who live on the property will tend to have greater happiness, health and prosperity. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true.

House and Land Clearing

Clear out negative energy in your home, office, and property that may be causing unnecessary obstacles, misfortune, financial troubles or bad health.

This service purifies your space of energy that could be harming you, your family or your employees. This negative energy can contribute to health issues, psychological distress, financial issues, severe fatigue and more. In addition, House and Land Clearing clears out negative energy from previous owners, divorces, bankruptcy, violence, etc. This service will support you and your family in having greater health, happiness, and prosperity.

How does negative energy in my Home, Business, or Land affect me?

  • Negative energy can be quite heavy. This energy can snowball over many years and collect in our homes, businesses, or even in the land.

  • Unfortunately, this quality of energy can cause us to feel heavily fatigued or drained. It can also be a contributing factor to health problems.

  • Financially, negative energy tends to make things harder than need be.

  • When negative energy collects in our space it gathers as dark clouds or pockets of energy. This energy can stay in the home for many years. As we live under these dark clouds they can influence our minds to a certain degree. This can cause us to experience certain emotions or negative thoughts we wouldn’t otherwise have.

  • It can create recurring patterns or issues through multiple generations. Especially if there has been war, conflict, violence, bankruptcy, or divorce.

  • Often it can affect a person’s sleep. Sometimes children will have nightmares.

The Process

  1. After filling out the consultation form, you can schedule a time for the Home and Land Clearing session. It’s best to do this session when there’s no one in the Home or Office. If that’s not possible, please let me know if anyone (including pets) will be present at the time of the session.

  2. During the session, I will work remotely on your Home, Office and Land. Depending on what you prefer, I will text, call or email you before the session begins. I will always let you know when I’m finished and follow up with a report via email on what came up during the session. Depending on the severity of the situation, sometimes more than one session is required.


  • Home and Land Clearing is $275.00 USD for one 2-hour session.

If you’re not sure whether you need Home and Land Clearing or a Pranic Feng Shui service, please contact me.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Where does this negative energy in the home or office come from?

Negative energy in our home and office can come from a few different sources.

1) Our minds. We produce tons of thoughts every day. If we’re going through a rough patch, or have been dealing with long-standing stress, depression, anger, etc. these negative thoughts and emotions can build up within our space. Energetically, thoughts have a form and a certain quality of energy. These thought forms can get very big when coupled with strong negative emotions. When we’ve been having reoccurring negative thoughts this can build up within our space forming dark clouds of energy. Usually, it gathers in the corners of our rooms, or in areas where we spend a lot of time. Our beds, furniture, etc.

2) Our body. It’s very natural to release negative energy throughout our day. Our organs, cells, and all our physical systems are constantly releasing dirty ‘used up’ energy day in and day out. Our body takes in fresh life force from our environment, and it releases dirty energy as it heals itself, or simply just functions properly. This becomes problematic when the body is going through a severe ailment, or a long-standing period of sickness or disease. Certain ailments are worse than others. Typically this type of negative energy can cause people to feel excessively tired, sometimes it can slow recovery times.

3) Fighting and conflict. This is a big one. Every relationship and family is going to have conflict from time to time, what I’m talking about here is when there’s been long-term fighting and ongoing conflict. This type of negative energy can really be heavy within a home and often perpetuate the conflict making it worse than need be. The negative thoughts and emotions from all parties involved can easily build up. Unfortunately, energies such as anger, rage and violence are particularly bad because energetically they are extremely sticky. These types of energy can really cloud and distort our perception, exasperate negative energies within the mind, and sometimes lead to health problems or financial issues.

4) Previous tenants or owners. Sometimes the negative energy in a space can be really old and continue to affect the current occupants. If there’s been any history of divorce, bankruptcy, violence, or addictions having a Home and Land Clearing session can be extremely beneficial.

Where does negative energy in the land come from?

Negative energy in our land can occur when there’s been terrible trauma, violence, suffering and death that’s occurred on the property.

When the energy of the Earth is healthy, the occupants living on the land also tend to be healthy. The reason for this is that for better or for worse, energy from the Earth radiates upwards. If the energy of the Earth is healthy, the people living or working on the property tend to be prosperous, happier and healthier. Of course, life still happens, and things can come up - but the energy of the environment is supportive of all good things in life.

Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Negative energy in the land radiates upwards and can really have a negative effect on the people living or working there. This can manifest in all the ways I listed above in the description of the service.

I’ve found that businesses that were struggling financially often have terrible energy coming up from the land. Many of these places either have a history of bloodshed with indigenous tribes or were involved in wars at some point. Other factors also need to be considered and looked at, whether it’s from a business perspective, looking at how energy flows through the structure (the Pranic Feng Shui) or karmic factors that can help with prosperity, wealth and financial stability. This is just one example of many.

Can I use sage or incense to clean out negative energy?

Yes and no. It’s a really a matter of how severe things are. Say for example, if you’ve just recovered from being sick, like a basic cold or flu ... then yes, tools such as sage, incense, OM mantra, etc. are useful for cleaning out that dirty energy.

If you’ve gone through a recent breakup and are not too broken up about it and want to purify your space, then yes, again these tools are useful. But if you’ve been really heart broken, depressed, crying (especially in bed) and overall are having a hard time moving forward, then a Home and Land Clearing is properly needed. Also, if the breakup was messy and there was lots of fighting and conflict, then having a session would be useful.

It’s always good to clean your space, even just as a regular maintenance. The thing is sometimes this negative energy is dense and there can be a lot of it so some of these tools just simply are not powerful enough or have to be done repeatedly over a period of time. For more information on this, sign up for my newsletter and receive a PDF on 6 Easy tips to Energetically Clean your Home and Office.

What's the difference between home and land clearing & pranic feng shui?

For Home and Land Clearing we’re working on clearing out negative energy in the Home and Office that has come from the mind, emotions and health of the current or previous occupants. In addition, we’re also working on clearing and healing the land or property of negative energy.

For Pranic Feng Shui we’re looking at how life force flows through your home or office. This has to do with the structure of the home, how it was built, the directions and their influence on the space, the location of your front door and other important areas within the space and environment. Colour, art, and other psychological factors are also taken into consideration. Think of this like acupuncture for your home or office. By making simple corrections to the structure of your space you allow life force to flow better. Our entire energy body responds to the energy in our environment. This can either help us or hinder us. Visit the Pranic Feng Shui service for more information.