How does Pranic Feng Shui work?
Each home, office, and building has its own energy.
Every terrain, city, even the earth underneath our feet - all carry different types of energy. The way we decorate, the colours we use, the images we put on our walls - they too carry their own unique energies.
Harnessing the right energies in your home or business can make a world of difference with your finances, energy levels, relationships, health, and more.
When we have unfavourable Pranic Feng Shui it can feel like we’re swimming upstream. Often we’re met with more obstacles, greater resistance, or it can feel like things demand more time and energy from us.
When the Pranic Feng Shui is favourable, not only do things flow with more ease, everything gets a major boost of energy. For anything to be healthy, whether it’s our bodies, our minds, our relationships, or finances, energy is needed to thrive. Even the goals we’re working towards need energy to manifest. Our chakras, and thus our mind and body, respond to our environment.
If the energy in your home or business is healthy, your chakras respond by getting bigger and brighter. Whether it’s your physical, emotional, mental, or financial health, they bring in more healthy energy for your whole well-being. This is why we feel uplifted, inspired, or energized after spending time in certain environments. If the energy is healthy, it supports us on a much greater level. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true, which is why certain places can cause us to feel tired, drained, or even sick.