10 Tips for a good nights sleep


4 minute read


One of the basic principles of Energy Healing is that life force (prana/chi) is needed for a strong, healthy body and mind. As we sleep, our body moves very little. The life force we would exert during the day is used to heal the organs and other physical systems at night. In addition to healing, sleep can also provide much-needed relief from the day-to-day stresses and other emotions we experience.

But what if we're unable to get a good night's sleep? Most of us realize after a few nights of this, we become a nightmarish version of ourselves. We may feel on edge, have a short temper, perhaps the issues we face in our life feel exasperated or summarized, we feel drained.


While we sleep at night, our body has a chance to heal, recharge and rejuvenate itself. Good quality sleep is essential for good health.


Having a good night's sleep is extremely important for our health. Here are a few tips on how to make sure you're getting a good night's rest:

1. Try to avoid being on your devices or even watching TV 1-2 hours before you go to bed. These activities are very stimulating to our minds and don't allow us to unwind and prepare for sleep.

2. Make sure your room is clean and organized. The room should be well ventilated and things should be in their place. There should be no strong smells or extreme temperatures. Ideally, the bedroom is a very simple clean area free of light and noise pollution.

3. Avoid sleeping underneath beams and slanted ceilings. These two things can create health problems and relationship issues. If you're unable to change this situation consider getting a Pranic Feng Shui consultation to make the corrections.

4. If your mind is racing a mile a minute as you're trying to fall asleep do a cord-cutting technique. Sometimes when we have too many negative cords or attachments with other people it can cause the mind to be very busy and prevent us from falling asleep. There are a number of ways to cut negative cords, for our purposes here I just want you to imagine that your hand is a knife or pair of scissors. Bring your hand up to the top of your head. Form the intent you are cutting all negative cords. Draw your hand down your body and imagine your cutting any and all negative cords connected to you. If it helps, you can say ‘cut cut cut’ as you do this movement down your body. Lastly, negative cords can connect to the back of us as well. Since physically you can’t reach your body in that way, just form the intent you are cutting negative cords in your back and do the exact same movement as you did in front of you.

5. If you're going through a highly emotional time put a bowl of saltwater underneath your bed. This will help purify you of negative emotions that could be disrupting your sleep. It'll also energetically clean your mattress.

Our mattresses eventually become energetically filthy. During the night, while our body is working to restore itself, we release a ton of dirty energy. The dirty energy tends to collect in our mattresses. Our emotions can also get stuck in our beds. This creates an energetically heavy space to sleep in. This can be especially true for people who tend to cry while in bed. Furthermore, these lingering negative emotions and thoughts can 'colour' our minds causing us to return to a negative or unhealthy state when we slip into bed.

6. If possible, make your bedroom a device-free room. Avoid sleeping with devices by your head or under your bed. Experiment with shutting them off before you sleep and even turning off your computer and Wi-Fi. You may find in the morning you feel noticeably different - and better.


Sleeping in certain directions can affect our sleep in different ways. Some directions provide healing, while other directions can be draining on the body and mind.


7. Avoid having crystals in the bedroom. Crystals come from the earth and are charged with earth prana or energy. Our lower chakras, which keep us anchored to our physical body, also feed off of earth energy. The last thing we want is for our lower chakras to be overstimulated preventing us from falling asleep. If you don't want to move them out of the room wrap them up in silk so their energy is isolated. Everyone's sensitivity is different. If you're highly sensitive you may notice a 'buzzing' sensation in your body when crystals are close by, especially if they are charged up or blessed.

8. Avoid meditating or doing your spiritual practice in your bedroom. Over time meditating in the same spot builds a pillar of light. When you return to that spot again it's easier for you to get back into your meditative state. However, when done in the bedroom that energy can be overstimulating which can cause insomnia.

9. A really nice thing to do before going to bed is to rub the feet and ankles down with lavender oil. This will help you drift into a peaceful slumber.

10. Recieve a healing session. In cases such as insomnia, certain chakras are very big or overactive. When this happens it can make it very difficult to fall asleep. Energy Healing is also useful for nightmares, a busy mind and other sleep-related issues. The salt bowl under the bed technique can be useful for remedying these issues as well.

If you're still having difficulty sleeping, consider getting a Pranic Feng Shui Consultation. Sleeping in certain directions can affect our sleep in different ways. Some directions provide healing, while other directions can be draining on the body and mind. Sometimes the structure of the bedroom may be a factor as well, including what is above, below or on the other side of your walls.

Wishing you all a sound restful sleep!




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Eryn Lummerding