Meditation is to Inhale. Service is to Exhale.


2 minute read


Right now, wherever you find yourself reading this, inhale, inhale again, and inhale some more. How long can you keep inhaling for? Not too long. Meditation is to inhale. If we are meditating regularly and not doing any service, tithing or volunteer work we will eventually quit our practice or struggle to do it regularly. The reason being is that when we meditate, we are building up an excessive amount of energy. The body can only handle so much energy before it becomes 'full' and we no longer feel like doing our practice anymore. It's the natural instinct of our system.

Likewise, wherever you find yourself reading this begin to exhale, exhale again, exhale some more. We cannot continue to give of ourselves constantly without receiving. Some of us are very good at giving. The trouble is eventually we will burn out.


Through regular meditation and service, you will find that your quality of life will begin to improve.


Ideally, we want to have a regular meditation or spiritual practice that continues to fill that reservoir of energy. Then we can go out into the world and be of service without getting depleted. By doing so you will find that your meditation practice will be easier to do regularly. You also might find as time goes by and your practice develops, that you feel more inclined to do greater amounts of service in various forms.

Remember it’s not our own energy we’re using, we are just an instrument.
— E.L.

This is especially true when we meditate during the 5-day period of the Full Moon. 2 days before, the day of and 2 days after. We have a tremendous amount of energy available to us at that time. If you feel energetically full, spend more time blessing your projects, people in your life, your work environment, co-workers or business. Continue to direct the excess energy to people, places and things until you feel normalized. Remember it’s not our own energy we are using, we are just an instrument. Breathe, relax and let it flow.



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Eryn Lummerding