Whatever chakra is dominant on your energy body will govern your personality
Having balanced chakras is ideal
When the chakras are balanced we tend to have greater health in our bodies and in our minds.
So while this ideal, it's not always realistic because of the ebb and flow of our day-to-day lives.
3 minute read
Each major chakra is an acupuncture point. These wheels of light on our energy body carry out very important jobs for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Each chakra sends life force (chi/prana) to our physical body and mind. It’s the life force that keeps us healthy and alive.
Just because a chakra may be large, doesn't mean it's large in a healthy way. The chakras can get blocked, accumulating negative energy that leads to health issues in the body and mind. When this happens the chakra can get quite big, creating a ‘road block’ in the system often causing other areas to suffer because they aren’t receiving the life force needed to function at their best. It's very common to find that some chakras may be big, while others may be small. It's very rare to see the chakras totally balanced on people.
For better or worse, our thoughts, speech and actions are determined by whatever chakras are the largest on our energy body.
For example, in the Pranic Healing tradition they work with 11 major chakras (don't get stuck on this! All chakra traditions are correct, it just depends on the modality and the needs of the practitioner). In this tradition, there's a chakra on the diaphragm called the Solar Plexus Chakra. It corresponds to the acupuncture point of RN (CV) 12.
I highlight this chakra because it's where a lot of physical and psychological ailments begin. When this chakra is the most dominant in the energy body it creates a personality that often is experiencing a lot of negative emotions. There can be a lot of stress, anger, anxiety, fear, etc. Sometimes people feel like they're on an emotional rollercoaster, it can even cause people to get addicted to drama, creating conflict or issues when things are 'quiet'.
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is big, and other chakras such as the Heart Chakra are very small, the person usually becomes incapable of thinking about anyone else but themselves. The Solar Plexus chakra is the center of 'I', my wants, my needs, etc. When a person looks like this energetically, thinking of how their thoughts, speech and actions affect other people is almost impossible. The personality just isn't capable of it.
Another example would be when people have large Crown Chakras but their lower chakras that connect them to the Earth and physical life are very small. This often causes a person to be spiritual but not very practical. It can be easy for the person to want to meditate or do spiritual practice, but making a living, holding a job, and being in the physical world, in general, can be very difficult.
“Our thoughts, speech and actions are determined by whatever chakras are the largest on our energy body.”
On the flip side of that, if you have a person who has a large Crown Chakra and a large Basic/Root Chakra (large with healthy energy), you often find a person who has not only spiritual wealth but financial and material wealth as well. This is the best of both worlds, and something to strive towards.
Having balanced chakras is ideal. When the chakras are balanced we tend to have more balance in our life, in our health and in our minds. It also means our life force is flowing well through our system. Our organs, glands, cells, mental, emotional, and financial health, are all getting the life force they need to be healthy and strong.
So while this ideal, it's not always realistic because of the ebb and flow of our lives. Everyone goes through their ups and downs. Our chakras fluctuate every day based on what we’re going through, our line of work, who we spend time with, the environments we’re in, even if we got a good night’s sleep! The books we read, the shows we watch, the art and music we spend time with - they all affect us.
To avoid your chakras from being so affected by your day-to-day life, I believe the best way not only to achieve balance but to tap into an energy that is far more important than what chakra is the biggest, is to meditate.
Find a meditation practice you connect with and do it regularly. When you do this you tap into a higher source of energy that will feed your chakras, balance them out and over time help to restore health. With practice, your true self will become the most dominant energy in your life, not your solar plexus, not your sex chakra. This is far more valuable than anything else.
Also, don't forget to exercise after your meditation practice. I cannot emphasize this enough. More on that later.
Peace & Love,
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