February: Heart Series for Health PT.1


Energize Your Immune System: The Power of the Heart Chakra

The secret to a strong immune system (and a peaceful mind) lies in the Heart Chakra. Taking care of the Heart Chakra, ensuring it is strong and healthy, will, in turn, keep you strong and healthy.


If you find yourself frequently falling sick, catching every cold, flu, and bug that's going around, this article may be for you. If you've worked with me, you know I approach health and wellness from various angles. This month, I’ll be releasing an article every Tuesday with ideas on supporting the Heart Chakra for a healthy immune system. While addressing the energetics of the chakra is crucial, it's equally important to consider other factors. So, view yourself as a prism, examining all facets and taking into consideration diet, exercise, lifestyle, etc., for a robust immune system.


I often observe that individuals more susceptible to germs, viruses, and circulating colds tend to exhibit similar patterns in the energy body. One of the most noticeable patterns is an underactive or small Heart Chakra compared to the rest of the chakras on the body.

The Heart Chakra can become this way due to long-standing stress, ongoing arguments or conflicts in life. It can happen when we are running ourselves too thin, doing too much, and not taking care of our own needs in a healthy way. These are just a few examples, in general, long periods of negative emotions can compromise the Heart Chakra, and thus the health of our immunity.

Now, what does the Heart Chakra have to do with a healthy immune system? In reality, while many chakras play a role in overseeing the health of our immune system, the significance of the Heart Chakra lies in its ability to circulate healthy energy throughout our entire body via the circulatory system. As life force travels through the circulatory system, every part of our body receives this vital energy. It serves as a swift delivery system, reaching every nook and cranny of our body. This function is unique to the Heart Chakra.

When the chakra is a good normal size and the energy is flowing well through the chakra it draws in a sufficient amount of life force from the environment and then sends it to the thymus, lungs, and heart organ which in return circulates this healthy energy through your entire physical body revitalizing and strengthening you.

Our chakras should be able to inhale healthy energy from our environment and exhale used-up energy by the physical systems all day every day. When the chakra gets small and depleted the chakra then lacks sufficient amount of life force it needs for its physical functions. If this continues, overtime it can weaken these physical functions and cause people to become more susceptible to illness. It can also contribute to auto-immune ailments. For anything to be healthy in life, whether it's our body, minds, projects or relationships - it needs energy.

In the upcoming weeks, I'll delve into ways to keep the Heart Chakra robust, particularly crucial as we navigate the latter half of winter in the Northern Hemisphere when our immune systems may need extra care.

Tune in this month to learn how to keep the Heart Chakra strong and healthy, all day - every day. In the meantime, I want to leave you with something to implement in your day-to-day. Please check out this PDF on Salt Baths. Choose the right salt bath/shower scrub for you and start doing it several times a week. For those of you who are healers, therapists, or work with a lot of people, these salt baths at the end of your day are your new best friend. Not only will they help to activate the heart, but they will also decontaminate you from other people’s energies, your own, or contamination from a stressful or energetically ‘dirty environment’.

If your immune system needs some TLC, or you have other healing needs, consider booking a remote healing session or contact me for any questions you may have.

Start the salt baths! And stay tuned for more tips this month.
