The Heart Chakra and Inner Peace

Years ago, one of my healing teachers said that the Heart Chakra was the one energy center that needed the most healing on the planet.

I still believe that to be true to this day.

Whatever chakra is dominant on our energy body, for better or for worse, will govern our personality. A large Heart Chakra bestows on us virtues such as kindness, generosity, compassion, understanding, non-stealing. It blesses us with the ability to love our family, friends, community … those around us. It raises us into higher emotional states such as love, joy, happiness and inner peace.

The Heart Chakra also gives us the ability to receive all good things in life. Prosperity, love, happiness, healthy relationships, good health and long life. If there is a problem with receiving, the Heart Chakra needs to be addressed.

So what does a closed Heart Chakra look like? Well it can manifest in a few different ways…. often people are living in lower emotions such as stress, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, etc on a regular basis. Sometimes people can feel like they’re on an emotional rollar coaster with lots of ups and downs. This can be something that people may even seek out - creating drama if things get too ‘quiet’. In the darker aspects people can become selfish - even ruthless. When the Heart Chakra is small, that person is not able to register how their actions and words affect others. This can also lead people to profit off the suffering of others.

When we’re lacking inner peace, joy and happiness, we need to give our Heart Chakras some love. If the weight of the world is becoming too much, and you find yourself in a constant state of stress, worry, anxiety, fear, anger, etc.… the Heart Chakra needs to be addressed. Other chakras will also need psychological healing, but activating the chakra will help bring you into a state of inner peace.

So how do we activate the Heart Chakra?

The Heart Chakra responds to a number of things, but here’s a few suggestions to help get you back on track:

  • take one or both of your hands and place them on the Heart Chakra which is located in the center of your chest. Your palms should be pressed against your body. Bring your awareness to your Heart Chakra and smile to yourself. When we smile - our Heart Chakra starts to get bigger. Continue to smile … even if you have to fake it. Close your eyes and begin some nice deep breathing. Nothing forced. Your breath should be smooth and natural. Begin to think of a time when you were happy, or experiencing something positive. Allow yourself to really go back to that memory. Feel it, recall it in as much detail as you can. As you’re doing this the Heart Chakra will get bigger and bigger. If you like, you can silently say kind words to your Heart Chakra. Whatever feels right for you. Stay here for a few moments. It may sound strange, but in and of itself, smiling starts to activate the Heart Chakra. Something so simple can really start to trigger a different emotional state.

  • Find something or someone that will make you laugh. Laughter is such a good way to activate the Heart Chakra. When we laugh our energy body begins to expel negative emotions. The Heart Chakra starts to become highly activated which will help take the edge off. A yoga teacher once recommended make sure you laugh and sweat every day. I really try to live by that.

  • Gratitude practices. I know some of you really love gratitude journals and exercises. Anything of this nature will always activate the Heart Chakra. Sometimes I like to pause and make lists of all the blessings in my life. That will turn your ship around real quick. I think even Willie Nelson was a fan of gratitude practices …

  • Do something nice for yourself. All self-love, self-care pampering rituals are welcome here. Whatever that means for you.

  • Do something nice for someone else. Did you know when you donate money, help someone out, even offer a kind word or two, your Heart Chakra responds IMMEDIATELY. It’s really incredible. I know some of these suggestions sound too simple to be true, but it works. Character building is a huge key in developing our chakras and improving our quality of life. Regular practice of any of the virtues will all have a lasting effect on the Heart Chakra.

  • Rose Oil. Well by now, if you’ve been reading this blog - you all know I’m a huge fan of Rose Oil. So it’s no surprise I’m going to suggest it here as well! The Heart Chakra LOVES Rose Oil. It responds quickly to the pink prana found in the oil. Just dab a bit in the center of the chest. This will also help to flush negative emotions out of your system.

  • Last but not least … dance, exercise do something!! It’s incredible how much dirty energy (physical, mental, emotional) we release when we’re exercising. I want you to choose something that really makes your Heart sing. For me that’s a one woman dance party in my living room.

Lastly, if you feel you need a full psychological healing session, please feel free to reach out. Clearing out the negative emotions, thoughts, belief systems, ideas, can make a huge difference not only in how we feel, but how we perceive the people around us and the world in which we live.

Book a Healing Session

Wishing you all good things in life.
