How can decluttering help improve your finances and health?
Years ago in class, we experimented to see what was the effect of clutter on the Energy Body and Chakras.
A woman volunteered and went to the front of the class. She had a huge bottomless purse filled with all sorts of stuff. She was instructed to open it and start looking for things. As she did this we measured her chakras to see what is the effect of rummaging for things that are hard to find? How does clutter affect our mind and body?
Well, the chakras started to get small and lose energy or life force as she continued to dig through her purse.
She was then asked to dump all the contents out onto a table and put things back one by one in a way that was organized and clear. As she did this, the chakras started to get big, life force started to flow through her system, and overall her energy body was strengthened.
So what does this mean?
Each chakra has a physical, psychological, and spiritual function. When the chakras get small, blocked, or depleted - our system fails to have the life force it needs to maintain our health on all these levels. Chakras that are affected in this way can cause a wide range of issues. The more common ones being low physical, mental or emotional vitality, a lack of clarity or focus, and often an inability to get things done.
As we declutter our homes, offices and yes even those big purses (that I too LOVE) we increase the flow of life force not only in our health, mind, and well-being but also in our space as well. An increase in life force results in all good things - on all levels. More life force for the body means greater health, the ability to heal faster as well as an increase in vitality. An increase of life force or prana for the mind results in greater clarity, ability to think, focus, see your target, and know what steps to take to get there. Because each of us have an energy body and chakras, we respond to the energy in our environment. If the energy is cluttered, chaotic or harmful in some way - our chakras will be impacted.
Decluttering even improves our financial health. When you organize your stuff, your money-making chakra that sits at the base of your spine gets bigger and brighter every step of the way. The healthier this chakra is - the healthier the finances are.
It can take time to declutter, so be patient and kind with yourself along the way. Think of it as an experiment - take note of any changes you’ve noticed within yourself and draw your own conclusions.
Wishing you all good things in life,