Posts in Pranic Feng Shui
How can decluttering help improve your finances and health?

As we declutter our homes, offices and yes even those big purses (that I too LOVE) we increase the flow of life force not only in our health, mind, and well-being but also in our space as well. An increase in life force results in all good things - on all levels. More life force for the body means greater health, the ability to heal faster as well as an increase in vitality. An increase of life force or prana for the mind results in greater clarity, ability to think, focus, see your target, and know what steps to take to get there.

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I know it's tempting - but try to avoid meditating in your bed. Here's why …

Our spine needs to be straight (in a natural way) and not leaning against anything. This is because we have very important energy channels that run up and down the spine. These channels (or meridians) is how life force flows through our body. Leaning against a wall or chair can hinder that flow of energy. Also slouching, lying down or being in weird positions can also cause problems. Ideally we want to be sitting up with our backs off the chair or wall for the duration of our meditation.

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How good Feng Shui benefits everyone in the space

Each home, office, and building has its own energy. Every terrain, city, even the earth underneath our feet - all carry different types of energy. The way we decorate, the colors we use, the images we put on our walls - they too carry their own unique energies.

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How bad Feng Shui can cause financial drain

Have you ever had the experience of money slipping through your fingers? It seems like no matter what you do - you just can’t hold on to it?

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When our aura is clean, we have more clarity

Similar to when our car window gets dirty, we struggle to see the road or the drivers around us. Our perception becomes distorted in some way. It’s the same with the aura (or energy body). Our aura gets dirty because of the quality of thoughts we generate through the day and the emotions we experience. Dietary choices, lifestyle factors, the people we hang out with, and the ways we spend our time can also cause the aura to get dirty.

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Tips for Vision Boarding

Really study the images you're putting on the board. For example if you are trying to manifest the right romantic relationship you may want to make sure there is no alcoholic beverage in the hand of the image you are putting up. Details like this are important because this is something you look at and energize regularly. We want to make sure we are attracting the right thing, so pay attention to the details of your images.

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