When our aura is clean, we have more clarity

How to Clean the Aura

Similar to when our car window gets dirty, we struggle to see the road or the drivers around us. Our perception becomes distorted in some way.

It’s the same with the aura (or energy body). Our aura gets dirty because of the quality of thoughts we generate through the day and the emotions we experience. Dietary choices, lifestyle factors, the people we hang out with, and the ways we spend our time can also cause the aura to get dirty.

When our aura is dirty, it’s hard to see things accurately. It can be difficult to make decisions or have clarity in our lives. This is because as we look at the world, people, situations, or ourselves we are looking through a dirty window so to speak. We are looking through all the thoughts, emotional energy, and other dirty energies in our system which prevents us from having clarity and seeing things accurately.

The best way to get clarity and help you make good decisions is to clean up the aura. I want you to keep in mind these suggestions are not a one-time thing. They are best incorporated into a routine that you can do throughout the week. Sometimes due to factors beyond our control, we need to be doing these things regularly as a way to maintain our physical and psychological health. 

Here’s some simple ways to clean up the aura:

  1. Take a salt bath a few times a week. You can use table salt, Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt, Dead Sea Salt just no Epsom salts for this purpose. Put two cups of salt into a tub of water. Soak for 20 minutes. Rinse off. Salt has green energy in it. Green energy dissolves or breaks down dirty energy. When we soak in green energy we are being gently cleansed. In this way, the aura starts to become cleaner and cleaner. This allows your organs, your chakras, all your systems to have more life force. When dirty energy gets flushed out - new fresh life force rushes in. In this not only are you helping yourself have greater clarity, but you're always giving yourself a chance to release any dirty energy that may be causing health issues or other types of suffering. Don’t have a bath? No problem. Get a shower gel with salt in it or put a bunch of salt INTO a shower gel. Lather up and let the salt sit on your body for a few moments.

  2. Exercise! This can often get overlooked. The fact of the matter is, is when you exercise your aura is like a little factory. It’s expelling dirty energy out of your system. Exercise can help break down blockages, expel emotional energy, purify negative thoughts, and be a great tool for one’s healing journey. Different things suit different people so find something that works for you and do it regularly.

  3. Meditation. Doing meditation is comparable to having a spiritual shower. When you sit down to meditate you're receiving a lot of divine energy. This energy flushes out thoughts, emotions, belief systems .. all sorts of stuff! It’s a great way to clean yourself up and as I mentioned earlier, it should be done regularly. Make sure to create a schedule for yourself so you commit to your practice.  

These are some very basic yet powerful suggestions for helping you to have greater clarity in your life. Because of the nature of life, the challenges we face, things going on in the world, in our personal lives, and in our home, it’s great to get into a routine for this. Not only will you notice more clarity, but likely you will also notice greater emotional stability, greater physical vitality, and more.

Clean up the Aura with a

Long-Distance Healing Session

Wishing you all good things in life,
