Posts tagged Pranic Feng Shui
How can decluttering help improve your finances and health?

As we declutter our homes, offices and yes even those big purses (that I too LOVE) we increase the flow of life force not only in our health, mind, and well-being but also in our space as well. An increase in life force results in all good things - on all levels. More life force for the body means greater health, the ability to heal faster as well as an increase in vitality. An increase of life force or prana for the mind results in greater clarity, ability to think, focus, see your target, and know what steps to take to get there.

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Anger is one the quickest energies to dirty our system

Anger is one of the quickest emotions to dirty our system. Energetically, the quality of anger is extremely sticky - and heavy. As a result it tends to clog our chakras, our energy channels (where our life force flows through) and dirties our organs and other physical systems. Explosive anger can create tears in our energy body (aura) and chakras, which then can expose us to darker negative energies that are not our own. Our energy body is our natural born psychic shield and we need it fully intact.

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How bad Feng Shui can cause financial drain

Have you ever had the experience of money slipping through your fingers? It seems like no matter what you do - you just can’t hold on to it?

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