Whatever chakra is dominant on our energy body, for better or for worse, will govern our personality. A large Heart Chakra bestows on us virtues such as kindness, generosity, compassion, understanding, non-stealing. It blesses us with the ability to love our family, friends, community … those around us. It raises us into higher emotional states such as love, joy, happiness and inner peace.
Read MoreAnger is one of the quickest emotions to dirty our system. Energetically, the quality of anger is extremely sticky - and heavy. As a result it tends to clog our chakras, our energy channels (where our life force flows through) and dirties our organs and other physical systems. Explosive anger can create tears in our energy body (aura) and chakras, which then can expose us to darker negative energies that are not our own. Our energy body is our natural born psychic shield and we need it fully intact.
Read MoreOur spine needs to be straight (in a natural way) and not leaning against anything. This is because we have very important energy channels that run up and down the spine. These channels (or meridians) is how life force flows through our body. Leaning against a wall or chair can hinder that flow of energy. Also slouching, lying down or being in weird positions can also cause problems. Ideally we want to be sitting up with our backs off the chair or wall for the duration of our meditation.
Read MoreEach home, office, and building has its own energy. Every terrain, city, even the earth underneath our feet - all carry different types of energy. The way we decorate, the colors we use, the images we put on our walls - they too carry their own unique energies.
Read MoreFirst things first, before diving into this blog post I want it to be clear that I will never ever advise against any medical treatments or medications. First of all, as an energy healer, it's not my place - secondly I respect that different things work for different people and I believe it is up to you to decide what is right for you and your body. The treatments I offer complement any medical or alternative medicine you decide upon.
Read MoreAs we live our lives and go about our day it is very common that many of us are exposed to unhealthy or 'negative' energies. To a certain degree these energies can affect us which can lead to fatigue, stress, depression, physical ailments etc. These unhealthy energies exist in many places. From a stressful work environment - to being around negative people. They can exist in energetically dirty environments like bars etc. to living in densely populated cities. Whether we like or not, these energies do exist. So how do we protect ourselves from them?
Read MoreInjuries, repetitive movement, long standing emotions such as anger and resentment, can all be the cause of Arthritis.
Here are a few tips on how to speed up your healing process:
-while the body is healing, do your best to avoid eating meat and fish. Introduce more fruits and vegetables. When arthritis is present, the energy body is quite dirty and coarse. Certain meats also have the same dirty coarse energy in them. We don't want to continue to put the same energy in the body that is causing the problem to begin with.
Read MoreMany of us store emotional energy in different parts of our body. For some, the stress may affect the gastrointestinal system or prevent a person from sleeping well. For others, it could result in teeth grinding or headaches. For another, back pain or reproductive issues. Whatever the symptom, receiving healing can help to alleviate these issues.
Read MoreHave you ever had the experience of money slipping through your fingers? It seems like no matter what you do - you just can’t hold on to it?
Read MoreSimilar to when our car window gets dirty, we struggle to see the road or the drivers around us. Our perception becomes distorted in some way. It’s the same with the aura (or energy body). Our aura gets dirty because of the quality of thoughts we generate through the day and the emotions we experience. Dietary choices, lifestyle factors, the people we hang out with, and the ways we spend our time can also cause the aura to get dirty.
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