Posts tagged Italy
Anger is one the quickest energies to dirty our system

Anger is one of the quickest emotions to dirty our system. Energetically, the quality of anger is extremely sticky - and heavy. As a result it tends to clog our chakras, our energy channels (where our life force flows through) and dirties our organs and other physical systems. Explosive anger can create tears in our energy body (aura) and chakras, which then can expose us to darker negative energies that are not our own. Our energy body is our natural born psychic shield and we need it fully intact.

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I know it's tempting - but try to avoid meditating in your bed. Here's why …

Our spine needs to be straight (in a natural way) and not leaning against anything. This is because we have very important energy channels that run up and down the spine. These channels (or meridians) is how life force flows through our body. Leaning against a wall or chair can hinder that flow of energy. Also slouching, lying down or being in weird positions can also cause problems. Ideally we want to be sitting up with our backs off the chair or wall for the duration of our meditation.

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Allowing time and space for healing

It's important to have patience with oneself and the process while undergoing healing sessions. Certain types of healing, especially ones that tend to be related to trauma, post-traumatic stress, or other serious psychological issues can sometimes be a bit rough to go through. There are a few reasons for this:

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Developing a Morning Practice

Why have a morning practice? Many people find if they start off the day with their practice they experience greater emotional control, less stress, greater ability to handle conflict and problems, more physical and mental vitality and a greater sense of well-being and connectiveness.

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