5 Things to do during the Full Moon
When our aura is clean, we have more clarity

Similar to when our car window gets dirty, we struggle to see the road or the drivers around us. Our perception becomes distorted in some way. It’s the same with the aura (or energy body). Our aura gets dirty because of the quality of thoughts we generate through the day and the emotions we experience. Dietary choices, lifestyle factors, the people we hang out with, and the ways we spend our time can also cause the aura to get dirty.

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Allowing time and space for healing

It's important to have patience with oneself and the process while undergoing healing sessions. Certain types of healing, especially ones that tend to be related to trauma, post-traumatic stress, or other serious psychological issues can sometimes be a bit rough to go through. There are a few reasons for this:

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Focus on Creation rather than trying to predict the Future

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed over the years it's that the future is not a fixed thing. Things are always subject to change. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had clients come in for a session in total distress or depression because something they were told would happen - didn’t. This can cause a lot of suffering for some people.

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Calming the Mind with Sandalwood Oil
Forgiveness is Therapeutic
Developing a Morning Practice

Why have a morning practice? Many people find if they start off the day with their practice they experience greater emotional control, less stress, greater ability to handle conflict and problems, more physical and mental vitality and a greater sense of well-being and connectiveness.

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Home Clearing - A Sweet & Happy Home

Recently I had the opportunity to work with a lovely woman whose husband had just passed away. He'd been sick for some time and she was aware that the energy in the home had become quite heavy. (This is very common when someone is sick physically or psychologically).

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Tips for Vision Boarding

Really study the images you're putting on the board. For example if you are trying to manifest the right romantic relationship you may want to make sure there is no alcoholic beverage in the hand of the image you are putting up. Details like this are important because this is something you look at and energize regularly. We want to make sure we are attracting the right thing, so pay attention to the details of your images.

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